Film Scouts Reviews

"Private Parts"

by Leslie Rigoulot

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Any review of "Private Parts" is useless. Either you are a fan of Howard Stern and are looking forward to the movie, or you are not a fan and gave your press pass to a member of your church (but that is another story). If you don't have a radio, or just don't know about the outspoken Stern, here's the deal. His is the number-one-rated nationally syndicated radio show in the US. He wrote a bio and now that it is a movie starring him. He considers himself the "King of All Media". Even the director, Betty Thomas, says "I'll be very honest, I have not been what one would call a wild Howard Stern fan. I listened to his show because my boyfriend liked him so much." I don't know who Betty's dating but Stern appeals to the adolescent in all of us, but particularly men.

I like Betty's work on "The Brady Bunch Movie" and on Cable TV's "Dream On". She has a an eye for irony, as does Stern. The real coup is that Ivan Reitman is the producer. Remember when Arnold Schwarzenegger made the leap from action movies to comedy in "Twins"? Arnold got Reitman and a new career. Reitman gave us "National Lampoon's Animal House" too, which should have been good preparation for Stern. If anyone can make "Private Parts" work, it is Reitman and Thomas. But am I willing to go see it? No. That is the joy of not working for a major newspaper. No one can expose me to Howard Stern's "Private Parts". Rate R (Duh.) Paramount Pictures.

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