Film Scouts Reviews

"Color of a Brisk and Leaping Day"

by Leslie Rigoulot

January 28, 1996

I just wasn't too surprised that "Color of a Brish and Leaping Day" received the Sundance
Cinematography award in the dramatic division. Although the dialogue is lacking, the visuals
can easily be compared to an Ansel Adams photo. Shot in black and white, "Color" is set in post
WWII Los Angeles. Peter Alexander portrays John Lee, a Chinese-American who single-handedly tries to save the train service on a 78 mile route. Since his grandfather came over to
lay track, the young man has a personal connection to the railroad. But his obsession keeps him
from Nancy, a Native American park ranger, portrayed by Jeri Arredondo. We all know that
cars will rule LA and that the train is doomed but, Lee doesn't and that is what makes it
interesting. With a miniscle budget, director and writer Christopher Munch creates a brilliant
photograph, that should be a festival favorite.

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