"Caught In The Web" Inter(net)view, RealVideo:
On "The Jackal" as 28k RealVideo or 56k RealVideo.
"Caught In The Web" Inter(net)views, QuickTime:
"My Daughter Helps" on "The Jackal" (0.6mb)
"All for the Mission" on "The Jackal" (0.9mb)
"No, I'm Italian" on "The Jackal" (2.7mb)
"On Richard Gere" on "The Jackal" (0.8mb)
"Where's Bruce?" on "The Jackal" (0.6mb)
"Sidney's Stories" on "The Jackal" (1.0mb)
"Learning Russian" on "The Jackal" (1.6mb)
"A Different Film" on "The Jackal" (0.9mb)
Film Reviews:
Heat by Leslie Rigoulot
Heat by Kathleen Carroll
Romeo + Juliet by Benjamin Ibrahim
The 13th Warrior by Thom Bennett
Three Wishes by Eleanor Ringel
Partial Filmography:
The Jackal
Romeo + Juliet
The 13th Warrior
Three Wishes
True Crime
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