The invasion of the dot-coms in Cannes this year is amazing, quantity-wise; everywhere you turn there's a poster for this or that startup. They have thrown a huge amount of money into publicity, taking over prime real estate such as the driveway of the Majestic Hotel. However, it has not much to do with movies or artists. Generally the cyberfolks that showed up have not a clue about who is here, and the why of it. It is more like lets throw some money on things and see what happens. Why bother with the art at all, we'll just focus on how cool we are. The saddest thing I thought was opening night, which is usally a magic time where there is more Chanel then sneakers. This year the dot-com that took over the Majestic Bar for happy hour had it the other way around. So where are the dream makers? These guys aren't it, and I don't think much of Silicon Valley chic.... Film Scouts of course is a dot-com too, the dot-com that pioneered original video content... but at least we have always dressed for the ocassion. Cannes isn't a Taco Bell pit-stop along the information superhighway.
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