Film Scouts Reviews

"Two Much"

by Leslie Rigoulot

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March 29, 1996

"Two Much" will be remembered as the movie where Antonio Banderas, the hot Latin lover, fell in love with Melanie Griffith, Don Johnson's former wife. It is a serviceable comedy, but not much more. Antonio plays Art Dodge, (get it? Artful Dodger!) who is running just barely an art gallery in Miami. When he tries to scam a gangster's widow, Antonio becomes involved with the wealthy ex-wife of the gangster's son. Melanie plays the ditzy ex-wife to perfection, after all, ditzy is her forte. But Daryl Hannah throws a monkey wrench into their impending marriage since Antonio falls in love with her too. So he invents his soulful brother, Bart. Playing a dual role gets him into plenty of humorous situations. "Two Much" is just trying too hard to be screwball, though. Banderas proves himself capable as a comic actor, and maybe that is enough for some folks. It is up to the absolutely delightful Joan Cusack to add the real humor. She steals every scene she is in as Antonio's acerbic assistant at the art gallery. In fact, she makes the movie almost worth seeing.

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