Film Scouts Reviews

"To Wong Foo, Thanks for Everything! Julie Newmar"

by Leslie Rigoulot

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I was going to review "To Wong Foo, Thanks for Everything, Julie Newmar" by commenting that if you offended by drag queens, maybe this isn't the movie for you. I've changed my mind. Maybe this movie is meant for you. When Patrick Swayze steps out of the shower in the opening scene, he is buff and gorgeous, but wait until he gets his make-up on, because he makes one heck of a woman! Wesley Snipes and John Leguizamo round out a trio of drag queens who hit the road to Hollywood after winning the New York beauty pageant. These guys would be fish-out-of-water anywhere, but they end up in Snydersville, a dead end town that they remake as easily as putting on a new pair of panty hose. I don't know when I have laughed as much and that is because like all really good comedy, TO WONG FOO is centered on tragedy. Accepting ourselves and accepting others isn't easy some times, but these guys make it seem like a lark. And if you ever wondered what the difference between gay, transvestive and drag queen is, just wait for Wesley to give the lesson from the front seat of a 1967 Cadillac Convertible! I think it will be a three way tie, if they have an actor/actress category at the Oscars this year.

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