Film Scouts Reviews

"There's Something About Mary"

by Thom Bennett

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The question - can a film go too far for laughs?

In the toned down, politically correct climate of 90’s America where that three or four seconds of film that they cut may just help keep you morally intact, the fear of ruffling the wrong feathers is ever present.

Enter, the Farrelly Brothers. The sibling filmmakers who have previously scored big hits with Dumb and Dumber and Kingpin return with There’s Something About Mary - a sweet love story of sorts, nestled neatly between scenes of their now trademark brand of low brow, gross-out humor. The result is a sometimes uneven, more often hilarious film that is not afraid to step on a few toes to get the big laugh.

There is a point where a movie stands at the edge and can either stop right there or go rushing headlong off the cliff - the Farrelly Brothers gladly make that leap, laughing all the way down.

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