Film Scouts Reviews

"Star Wars"

by Leslie Rigoulot

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Have you seen the abs on Luke Skywalker? The press kit and posters have a whole new set of muscles and that's not just the ones superimposed on Mark Hamill. Adding four minutes of new footage and spiffing up the twenty-year-old prints, George Lucas and Twentieth Century Fox have hit gold, again. Ask anyone from the era if they saw "Star Wars" and you will be regaled with tales of where they saw it, how many times, who was with them and how it changed them. Hey, my husband wanted to be a pilot and was having a hard time getting into flight school..... This film was a cultural turning point and continues to be. So you just have to go see it on the big screen. Besides, you will discover the truth: Harrison Ford has gotten even better looking as he has gotten older. It's not fair but it is true. May the Force be with you.

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