Film Scouts Reviews

"Frank and Ollie"

by Leslie Rigoulot

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May 5, 1996

It never occurred to me that there was a time when mice in short pants didn't talk
and that emotions were not ascribed to animals. Well, at least in the Disney
world. "Frank and Ollie" is a look at two of Disney's 'nine old men", the original
animators who made Disney DISNEY. I interviewed director and producer of
this delightful documentary and could tell this was a labor of love. And it should
be. The director is Theodore Thomas, Frank Thomas' son and Kuniko Okubo,
the producer is Frank's daughter in law. Theodore was always amazed that
Frank and Ollie were such good friends for over sixty years. They didn't just
worked together, they built houses next door to each other. After attending art
school together, they went to work for the new Disney Studio. Frank and Ollie,
two of Disney's most talented artists took animation from crude drawings to the
art form we enjoy today. So the movie is about their friendship, but it is also
about how artists work and create. I learned a lot about Disney, art and about an
astounding friendship. But I couldn't help but think that it should have been
introduced by Uncle Walt. Rated PG.

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