Film Scouts Reviews

"City of Industry"

by Leslie Rigoulot

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Stephen Dorff gets to be soulless wheelman in another heist with Timothy Hutton, Harvey Keitel and Wade Dominguez. When Keitel's brother is murdered, the story shifts gears to a revenge tale and a larger part for Famke Janssen, who looks just too darn gorgeous to be the down-trodden wife of a probationary bad boy. As Keitel goes from one dangerous situation to the next, nearly being beaten to death each time, I have to marvel. Then there is the Asian gang versus Black gang thing that I didn't get at all because it looked like the uncredited Elliott Gould was in charge. In all, "City of Industry" lacks a hero. There is no one to care for. No one, no emotions to identify with. The film is to be commended for trying to blend character-driven material with a strong plot. But it just doesn't always work out. Rated R, from Orion

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