Film Scouts Reviews

"Chain Reaction"

by Leslie Rigoulot

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July 30, 1996

Continuing the trend of paranoid summer movies, "Chain Reaction" stars Keanu Reeves and Morgan Freeman in another government conspiracy flick. No wonder people are holing up in Montana. Reeves is the trusting soul in this heap of explosions, chases and murders. He is a lab machinist who just happens to hold the key to a source of cheap, abundant energy. When the Chicago lab he works in is blown to bits, he and Brit beauty Rachel Weisz are framed and on the run. Is Morgan Freeman the mentor he seems to be or the villain determined to keep this new energy source under his control? Like director/producer Andrew Davis's "The Fugitive" the suspense is nothing compared to the action sequences. And Davis knows his home town of Chicago, where the atomic age began with the first chain reaction. The flight over the Michigan Avenue Bridge as it is opening is all the more interesting since they shot this in Chicago in the middle of winter.

Why is it so much easier to accept the idea of Morgan Freeman debating alternative energy research with top scientist at the Argonne National Laboratory than it is to accept Keanu Reeves doing the same? I was just glad they made Reeves a machinist and not a physicist. In the end it doesn't matter because "Chain Reaction" is just one more summer explosion. Rated PG-13.

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