Film Scouts Reviews

"Absolute Power"

by Karen Jaehne

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"Absolute Power" is produced and directed by Clint Eastwood. And guess who's starring in it? Doesn't that make Eastwood the ultimate auteur? So why isn't he a darling of the Festival circuit? Maybe because the screenplay was written (or at least word-processed) by William Goldman. Well, it's hard to mess up a story this good, but they did it.

Everybody loves Eastwood, and everybody loves a cat-burglar. And everybody believes the President of the United States is a sex maniac. So where did they go wrong? The characters are paper thin and spouting cliches that make you laugh and crave popcorn for the first hour, then make you feel like you've seen all this before, and it's really too bad you can't do something useful like balance your checkbook during the second hour.

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