Correre contro
(Running Against)
Photo Courtesy of the Sundance Film Festival
Antonio Tibaidi makes distinctive, memorable films. His last production On My Own, starring Judy Davis, was made in Canada and exhibited at Sundance in 1993. Now working in his native ltalian, Tibaldi has created avery unique love story which offers much more than standard romance and the usual emotional payoffs.
Running Against is an intriguing tale of a paraplegic, Pablo, who has exceptional good looks and charisma but whose façade belies an emotional unfulfillment bordering on despair. Although he reigns supreme at the rehabilitation center where he works with more severely damaged patients, he lives alone, often driving around restlessly to sooth his soul.When Daniele comes to the institution to perform his community service (he's a conscientious objector), their initial relationship is wary, in fact, even hostile. But after Pablo helps educate him to the world, they form a bond,a relationship that is soon tested by their mutual fascination for a mysterious singer.
Beautifully resonant and artfully crafted, Tibaldi's filmmaking utilizes detail, nuance, and realism to tell stories that emanate truth and wisdom. Running Against is that kind of a film.
-Geoffrey Gilmore
Directed by: Antonio Tibaldi
Written by: Antonio Tibaldi, Nino Bizzarri, Guglielmo Enea, Alessandro Sermoneta
Starring: Stefania Rocca, Massimo Bellinzoni, Stefano Dionisi
Produced by: Domenico Procacci
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