Film Scouts Diaries

2003 Taormina BNL FilmFest Diaries
Mob Blog - Day 1

by Philipp Hoschka

Taormina, June 7, 2003 - Back in Sicily. At Catania airport, the usual issues with late, lost and broken bags. I am trying to explain to my impatient co-travelers that they won't miss much due to the delay, but a couple of weeks after the Cannes Film Festival, they're still on deadline-adrenaline, and seem unconvinced. In the limo to Taormina, I give a quick re-run of last year's Taormina diary to the other passengers - they seem pretty surprised about the low numbers of films and journalists involved at this festival.

From the hotel, we go straight to the Greek theatre, after a short stop at this year's first cocktail reception at "Hotel Timeo". It seems more packed than last year, but then again, it is saturday nite. Italian elegance en masse - it is good to see that certain national traits still have not disappeared despite cultural globalisation.

The opening ceremony starts half an hour late, and we have to be patient while lots of undeciphrable words are spoken in Italian. Then, ten actors are presented as "European shooting stars". They are interviewed, and reveal that European film has no money. Their suggestion is to make up for that by enthusiasm and passion. Not sure that Tom Cruise needs to worry too much about European competition.

Almost unexpectedly, the film finally starts - a Spanish movie called "Killing Words" by Laura Mañá. Quite a surprising opening film for this festival, since it is a movie about a serial killer - not the family-friendly programming that the Festival had last year, when "Bad Company" and "About A Boy" were part of the program.

"Killing Words" is about an investigation into a woman's disappearance, and combines Hitchcock-suspense with "Silence of the Lambs"-like horror. The story is told in two parallel lines of action, one covering the investigation, and the other the actual events. The movie is beautifully made, and skillfully plays with audience expectations. It may also forever change your opinion on mild-mannered philosophy-professors.

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