Hello, projection...
Well, I've got the trailer as QuickTime (8.6mb), 28k RealVideo, 56k RealVideo, or 100k RealVideo.
I've got some M. L. Riesman "Caught In The Web" Inter(net)views on the film in RealVideo format as follows:
Catherine McCormack as 28k RealVideo, 56k RealVideo, or 100k RealVideo.
Pat O'Connor as 28k RealVideo, 56k RealVideo, or 100k RealVideo.
I also have some clips from the film:
"Father Jack asks where Michael's father is" as QuickTime (7.7mb), 28k RealVideo, 56k RealVideo, or 100k RealVideo.
"Maggie puts Father Jack to bed" as QuickTime (3.0mb), 28k RealVideo, 56k RealVideo, or 100k RealVideo.
"Kate outside with Michael" as QuickTime (4.9mb), 28k RealVideo, 56k RealVideo, or 100k RealVideo.
"Gerry arrives at the Mundy household" as QuickTime (14.5mb), 28k RealVideo, 56k RealVideo, or 100k RealVideo.
"Kate goes to the grocery store" as QuickTime (8.3mb), 28k RealVideo, 56k RealVideo, or 100k RealVideo.
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